Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Mirroring His Mama

Jake is at a really fun stage these days where he often immitates others--sometimes he'll wave 'bye-bye' back to you, or if you roll your R's at him, he is bound to roll them right back! Also, if you scrunch your face and sniff, (like you are smelling a flower in dramatic fashion), Jake's got that down pat too. And in this pic he is practicing his 'Oh!' expression with Mama after his bath time.


Barrett, Melinda, Angel Trinity, and Baby Zander said...

OH MY GOSH!!! That is soooooo cute!!!!

Kam said...

How cute and funny. That's a great picture. I just got caught up on some of your earlier posts, too, and saw you fun news. How exciting! Hope the pregnancy is going well.

Kimberly said...

Such a sweet face!