Ben "the Ninja"
Ella throwing snowballs
Ben "the Ninja"
Ella throwing snowballs
My friend Katie is getting married March 21st. I am very excited for her!! We had some great times Halloween a few years ago..."Scottsdale girls". (It was the only picture I could find :)) Congratulations Katie!
(Jeanna, Sister Alder, Sister Bender, and Sandy)
Sister Bender took us all out to dinner at Vahl's in Alviso last week. There were 4 women (pictured) and Jason. It was a great time...good food, good company, and karoake in the background. How could you not have a good time with these folks?!!
Family Videos
Christmas Cards
We love getting cards, pictures and updates from family and friends at Christmas time. I love being able to see them all at once!
Jason's parents typed out their testimonies of the gospel of Jesus Christ for all of their kids and grandkids (which is not a small task-there are alot!!). Their testimonies were a perfect addition to the Book of Remembrance that Ruthann made all of her kids years ago before I was in the family.
Kids at Christmas
It was awesome to see Katelyn's excitement and hear her comment of "Please, oh please, oh please dont be clothes" as she opened more presents from grandma and grandpa, but being grateful for them when they were, in fact, more clothes.
Spending time with Family & Friends
We felt very fortunate to be able to be with family this Christmas (both Eggers & Williams), and visit friends that we dont get to see or talk to enough (thank goodness for email, blogs, and cell phones!)
That's All!
Jason taking one of Jeanna, (look how nervous Jeanna looks. Perhaps afraid of getting caught.)
Ok. Here's the best one we got. We know, it's almost the same quality of shot as any still image taken of Bigfoot, but try really hard... and think of a smash-hit NBC show.
Ok. For those who give up, scroll down for the answer...
...just scroll down...